Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bluetooth Module JY-MCY V1.04

El cacharrillo en cuestion:

Complete specs:

Video - Testing

Lo tengo que conectar en el arduino shield

Y esto es para comunicarlo desde linux ...

As seen in;topic=101452.0

Una vez conectado, en linux:

Remove the pairing (ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
Reboot box
hcitool scan
rfcomm bind 0 00:12:02:28:71:34 1
screen /dev/rfcomm0 9600 #This will prompt you for the pairing password and I also noticed the LED went solid rather than blinky.
screen /dev/rfcomm0 9600
rfcomm release 00:12:02:28:71:134

run the following just once after boot, and note AT commands cannot be run after this is paired
hcitool scan
rfcomm bind 0 00:12:02:28:71:34 1

#Upload this test code
void setup() {

void loop() {

command line test
screen /dev/rfcomm0 57600    

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